Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/274

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[Chap. XLI.

kinds of Punarnavá, Yava, Kulattha, Badara, Bhárgi, Páthá, Chitraka and Mahi-Kadamba should be cooked with a Pátra measure of clarified butter and with (the Kalka of) Vyosha (Tri-katu), the milk of Mahá-vriksha (Snuhi), Abhayá, Chavya, Devadáru and Saindhava salt (D. R. Pippali). The medicated clarified butter thus prepared proves efficacious in cases of Phthisis, Ascites and Vátaja-Prameha. Clarified butter duly cooked with the milk, blood, meat-essence and the expressed liquid of the dungs of a cow, a mare, a ewe, a she-goat, a cow-elephant, a hind, a she-ass and a she-camel and with the Kalka of Drákshá, Aśvagandhá, Magadhá and sugar proves extremely beneficial in cases of Phthisis. 28-29.

Eládi-mantha:— A Prastha measure of clarified butter should be duly cooked with the decoction of Elá, Ajamodá, Ámalaka, Abhayá, Aksha, Gáyatri, Arishta, Asana, Śálasára, Vidanga, Bhallátaka, Chitraka, Ugrá*,[1] Tri-katu, Ambhoda and Suráshtraja-earth. When duly cooked it should be taken down from the oven and thirty Pala weight of candied sugar, six-Pala-weight of Tugáshira (Vamśa-lochana) and two-Prastha-measure of honey should be added to it and stirred with a laddie. A Pala weight of this preparation followed by a draught of milk should be given to be licked every morning to a Phthisical patient. The present elixir is possessed of ambrosial sanctity. The extent of its therapeutic application embraces such diseases of the body as Phthisis, chlorosis, fistula-in-ano, asthma, loss of voice, cough, troubles of the heart, enlarged spleen, Gulma and chronic diarrhea or indigestion. It imparts longevity to a person using it, leads to the expansion of his intellectual faculties and

  1. * Chakradatta does not read Ugrá in the list.