Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/302

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with pulverised Haritaki should be taken by the patient. A decoction of the drugs of the Áragvadhádi group, may be likewise prescribed for internal use. Powdered (dead) iron mixed with pulverised Vyosha and Vidanga, or powdered Haridrá*[1] and Tri-phalá should be licked up with honey and clarified butter. †[2] Any other medicinal compound mentioned anywhere as remedial to Gulma should also be administered. 14.

The aggravated Doshas should be gradually eliminated from the system in as much as an quick and excessive elimination of the Doshas under the circumstances might produce swelling in the patient. Either the expresed juice of Dhátri or of sugar-cane, or a Mantha[3] should be taken with honey by a patient and he should take wholesome diet. 15-16.

Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka and decoction of the two kinds of Vrihati, Rajani, Śukákhyá (Śuka-śimbi), Kákádani, Kákamáchi, Ádári-vimbi and Kadamba-pushpi (Bhumi-Kadambá) should be taken as a remedy for Pándu-roga. Pippali-powder dissolved in milk should also be taken according to the condition of the appetite. The use of a decoction of Yashti-madhu, or of powdered Yashti-madhu mixed with honey would likewise prove efficacious. Powdered

  1. * Here we have followed Dallana in the text. Some take Haridrá to mean Dáru-Haridrá.
  2. † According to Charaka's recipe, however, we find that the two compounds here have been combined into one and there we find the definite mention of Dárvi (Dáru-haridrá). In our practice also we follow Charaka in this case.
  3. Mantha is prepared by mixing powdered grains of barley with clarified butter and a copious quantity bf water. Some commentators, however, on the authority of other medical works, are of opinion that in cases of Pándu (jaundice) the word "Mantha" is technically used for the preparation of the powdered grains of barley mixed with the expressed juice of Ámalaki and of sugar-cane and with honey.