Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/317

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Chap. XLVI ]

case of Murchchhá. The diet should consist of cooked red Śáli-rice. or barley grains or Satiua-pulse.*[1] 7 — 8.

Specific Treatment: — A compound consisting of Nága-keśara, Maricha, Uśira, the kernal of Kola as well as Visa (lotus stock) and Mrinála (lotus-stem) taken in equal parts should be taken with the decoction of Satina (D. R. — with cold water). Pippali with honey or Pathyá with sugar should also be taken. The mouth and the nostrils should be pressed close during a fit and the breast-milk should be given to the patient to be drunk. 9.

Strong medicinal errhine should be administered and strong emetics should be as well employed in cases of repeated attacks of the fit. Clarified butter duly cooked and prepared with the decoction of Haritaki or with expressed juice of Ámalaki should be prescribed. The decoction remedial to Pittaja-fever should be given in a cold state, mixed with Drákshá, sugar, parched paddy, Nilotpala and Padma and well perfumed with any good-smelling scent. 10.

Sannyása: — The case of a patient lying in a comatous state and incapable of being roused up or brought to under the circumstances owing to the aggravated nature of the delusion (unconsciousness) due to an extensive preponderance of the deranged bodily Dosha (involved therein) should be looked upon by an intelligent physicion as extremely hard to cure. This is said to be a case of Sannyása (Epilepsy ?). Just as a lump of clay, when thrown into water, should be instantaneously taken up before it is being finally desolved therein, so a patient lying unconscious under an attack of suspended

  1. * Chakrapáni and Vrinda both -read Mudga also in the list of the diet.