Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/323

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Chap. XLVII.]

Treatment of Pittaja type:— In the Pittaja-type of Pánátyaya, wine mixed with the decoction of the drugs of the Madhura group and saturated and flavoured with the admixture of sugar and scented drugs should be taken, or wine profusely mixed with the expressed juice of sugar-cane should be taken and fully vomited out, a short while thereafter. Meat-juice (Rasa) of Láva, Ena and Tittira unmixed with any acid, or Mudga soup should be taken with sugar and clarified butter. 17.

Treatment of Kaphaja and Tri-Doshaja type, etc.:— In the Kaphaja type of Pánátyaya, the mucus should be eliminated by taking a potion of wine mixed with the expressed juice or decoction of Vimibi and Vidula (Vetasa). Meat-juice of any fatty Jángala animal mixed with bitter and and pungent articles as also the Mudga-soap made bitter and pungent should be taken as beneficial to the patient. The diet should consist of preparations of barley, flesh of Jángala animals and also the Kapha-subduing articles, as well as those calculated as remedial to the present type of Pánátyaya. The above kinds of medicines and diet should be combinedly applied in the one due to the concerted action of the three Doshas of the body (Tri-Doshaja type), while in the Dvi-Doshaja types, the treatment should be according to the nature of the predominant Doshas. 18 — 19.

Now I shall describe the medicinal compounds which tend to relieve the delirious state of mind and may be employed for the relief of all forms of Pánátyaya in general. The fine powder of Nága-pushpa, Mágadhiká, Elá, Madhuka, Dhánya, Ajáji and Maricha taken in equal parts mixed copiously with the expressed juice of Kapittha, water and Parushaka should be duly taken