Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/326

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[Chap. XLVII.

light wine should be always prescribed in a case of Panátayaya and the patient should be enlivened with the embrace of handsome and youthful damsels exceedingly attached to the gratification of the senses with splendid hips and thighs with their slender waists drooping under the weight of the exuberance of their breasts. 29.

Potions prepared with powders of Nága-pushpa, Ajáji, Krishná and Maricha taken in equal parts mixed with sugar, Madhuka and Tri-sugandhi and then disolved in the expressed juice of Kushmánda fruits, should be taken. The drugs known as Varshábhu, Yashtyáhva, Madhuka, Lákshá, Tvak, tender sprouts of Karvudara, Jiraka, Drákshá, Krishná and Keśara should be given mixed with tepid milk. 30 — 31.

A person afflicted with diseases due to the excess of Surá, Ásava, etc. should be treated with the same wines (Surá, Ásava, etc.) duly administered otherwise he will be ruined, in the same manner as a person who has incurred the king's displeasure, should be saved by courting the royal favour. An inveterate drunkard giving up his habit of drinking is afflicted with the symptoms of Pánátyaya if he suddenly revert to his former pernicious habit. 32 — 33.

The Ágneya and Váyaviya virtues of wine tend to produce a dryness in the water carrying channels of the body, hence thirst is experienced by a drunkard person. A cold infusion of Patola, flowers and bulbs of Utpala, and Mudga-parni mixed with Mágadhiká should be taken under the circumstances (reactionary thirst), or oil, clarifiied butter, Vasá (lard) and marrow (D. R. — milk) should be duly cooked with curd (four times), expressed juice of Bhringa-ra'ja (four times), and the decoction of Vilva and Yava (four times) with the Kalkas of the drugs known as the Sarva-gandhá should be