Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/337

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Chap. XLVIII ]

as well as those of meat-soup and infusion of Yashti-madhu. Thirst which is incidental to the presence of mucus and undigested fecal matter in the intestines (Ámaja) should be remedied with the decoction of Vilva, Vachá and the drugs of the Dipaniya (Pippalyádi) group or with the decoction of the drugs of the Dipaniya group mixed with Ámrátaka, Bhallátaka and Valá. The type which has its origin in the use of heavy and indigestible fares or due to errors in diet as well as all other types of thirst with the exception of the one which is incidental to the waste of any fundamental organic principle should be cured by inducing vomiting. 27—28.

Solution of common treacle or Mantha or meat-soup is efficacious in allaying thirst which is due to physical fatigue. Warm Yavágus or cold Manthas *[1] would alleviate a thirst caused by the obstruction of the participated meal. A man should drink warm water in cases of thirst due to an excessive taking of any fatty substance (Sneha). The thirst of a habitual drunkard which is due to the reactionary effects of wine is allayed by draughts of half-diluted wine. Thirst due to heat, may be allayed with draughts of cold water surcharged with sugar or with the expressed juice of suger-cane. 29 — 33.

General Treatment:— Vomiting should be induced in these cases with the decoction of such drugs as are remedial to the deranged bodily Doshas involved in each case and the digestive (Páchana) remedies as prescribed in cases of fever should also be prescribed in these cases. Use of cooling plasters and of cold

  1. * Warm Yavágu should be prescribed in cases where Váyu pre-ponderates and cold Mantha in cases where Pitta preponderates.