Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/342

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[Chap. XLIX.

with the expressed juice of Drákshá may likewise be employed in the present type. In violent attacks of vomiting the medicated clarified butter known as Tailvaka-ghrita should also be prescribed. 14.


Treatment of Kaphaja Type:— A decoction of the drugs of the Áragvadhádi-group or of Daśa-mula should be given with honey in a case of vomiting due to the aggravation of Kapha. A cold infusion (Hima-Kasháya) of Guduchi mixed with honey would prove an excellent remedy in all the three preceding types of vomiting. 15 — 16.

Vomiting due to ( the use or sight of ) any disgusting or loathsome thing should be treated with agreeable things, while that peculiar to pregnancy should be relieved by giving to the enceinte the things she longs for.

Traumatic Types:— Vomiting due to the use of any unaccustomed or incongenial food should be relieved with fasting, vomiting or with the administration of habituated or congenial food. Vomiting due to the presence of worms in the bowels (Krimija should be treated with remedies applicable in a case of Krimija Hrid-roga (heart-disease of parasitic origin). The measures and remedies prescribed before should be employed with a due regard to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 17.

'General Treatment:— Vomiting is relieved by frequently licking a lambative made of Pippali, honey and the expressed juice of Kapittha-fruit. Madhurasá *[1] with the washings of rice and with honey may be likewise taken for the purpose. Tarpana (soothing) measure with the admixture of honey would be bene-

  1. * "Madhurasá" may mean (1) Drak'shá (2) Gámbhári fruit (3) Murvá or (4) Yashti-madhu. The practice is to prescribe Drákshá.