Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/356

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of cough, (Kása-Pratishedha). 1.

Cause and Etiology:— Cough has its origin in the same sets of causes, which excite or usher in an attack of hiccough or asthma. The vital Váyu of the body known as the Prána-Váyu combined with other Doshas (Pitta and Kapha) is deranged by such causes as the entrance of smoke or of particles of dust (into the larynx and nostrils), over-fatiguing physical exercise, inordinate use of any dry or parched (Ruksha) food, any food going wrong way, voluntary repression of sneezing or of any natural propulsion of the body. Thus deranged, it is suddenly pressed upward and emitted through the mouth in unison with the deranged Udána-Váyu (situated in the trachea) producing a peculiar sound resembling that of broken Indian bell-metal. This is called Káśa (cough) by the learned. 2 — 3.

Classification: — This disease is divided into five types according as it is originated through the action of the deranged Váyu, or Pitta or Kapha of the body, or is due to the presence of any ulcer (Kshata) or to any wasting process (Kshayaja) in the organism. These five types of cough are recognised by the physicians (in practice), which, when fully developed, (i.e., if neglected) would tend to produce phthisis (Yakshmá). 4.

Premonitory Symptoms: — Itching in the throat, a sense of obstruction in eating (difficulty of deglutition), a sticky feeling in the throat and in