Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/362

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[Chap. LII

dhava, Tri-kantaka (Gokshura), Rásná, Chitraka, Valá, Śringi, Vachá, Mustá, Deva-dáru, Durálabhá, Bhárgi, Abhayá and Śathi, proves curative in asthma, dulness of digestion, hoarseness, as well as the violent attacks of the five different types of cough. 22.

Pittaja and Kshayaja Kása:— A case of cough of the Pittaja-type, as well as the one due to the wasting (Kshaya) brought about by sexual excess, yields to the use every morning of the clarified butter, duly cooked with the decoction of the drugs of the Vidári-gaadhádi, Utpaládi, Sárivâdi and the Madhura (i.e. Kákolyádi) groups and with the expressed juice of sugar-cane, water, milk and with the drugs of the Kákolyádi group as Kalka and with the addition of sugar as an after-throw. The three cases viz., Pittaja, Kshataja (ulcer-orignied) and Kshayaja (due to any wasting process in the system) of Kása are relieved by the use of the compound prepared with Kharjura, Bhárgi, Pippali, Piyála, Madhuliká. Elá and Ámalakamixed in equal parts, and taken with a copious quantity of clarified butter, honey and sugar. 23 — 24.

Cases of the Kshataja (ulcerated) or Kshayaja (consumptive) Kása, would become amenable to the use of a compound consisting of the equal parts of Raktá (Manjishthá), Haridrá, Anjana (antimony), Chitraka, Páthá, Murvá and Pippali pounded together and taken with honey, or of clarified butter duly cooked with the expressed juice of sugar-cane. Ámalaka powder duly cooked with milk and taken in combination with clarified butter would prove efficacious. Persons afflicted with the three types of cough may take with benefit the fine powders of wheat, barley as well as of the drugs of the Kákolyádi group, with milk and clarified butter. Treacle boiled with water should be taken,