Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/364

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[Chap. LII

finished, powdered Pippali should be added as an after-throw and honey should be mixed with it, when cooled. One Karsha weight of this elixir Leha should be licked every day in combination with two Abhayás. It conquers cases of phthisis, Grahani edema, dulness of appetite, hoarseness of voice, cough, Pándu, asthma, head-ache (Śiroroga), Hrid-roga (diseases of the heart), hiccough and Vishama Jwara. A regular use of this elixir improves strength and memory, imparts vigour of mind and energy of action and removes disinclination to work. It was first concocted by the holy sage, Agastya. 30.

Clarified butter duly cooked with the decoction made by boiling the drugs of the Madhura or any other suitable group with the essence of Kulira (crab), Śukti, Chataka, Ena-deer and Láva proves curative in the case of cough due to the presence of any ulcer (in the lungs) or to any wasting process in the system. The use of clarified butter duly cooked with Śatávari, Nága-valá and Valá proves beneficial to a person afflicted with cough. 31 — 32.

Thus ends the fifty-second chapter of the Uttara Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of cough.