Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/372

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[Chap. LIV.

Powdered excreta of a Śvávidh (porcupine) similarly soaked seven times in ( each of ) the decoctions of Tri-phalá and of Vidanga should be licked with honey, followed by draughts of the expressed juice of Ámalaka, Haritaki, and Aksha (Vibhitaka). Powders of any (dead) metal (Ayas) *[1] may also be prepared and taken in the preceding manner. In the alternative, the expressed juice of Putika should be taken with honey, or Pippali-roots should be administered through the vehicle of the urine of a she-goat. Trapu (killed lead) should be rubbed in the upper liquid part of curd (Mastu) and should be taken for a week. Worms which have their origin in the accumulated feces or aggravated Kapha in the body should be destroyed with the help of the aforesaid medicinal remedies. 15.

Medicinal Anjanas, Nasyas and Avapidas should be particularly employed in destroying the different classes of vermins which infest the regions of head, heart and mouth and the nostrils. The liquid expressed out of horse-dung should be dried and then successively soaked several times in the decoction of Vidanga. The preperation should be blown into the nostrils (Pradhamana). Powders of killed metal (Ayas, etc.†[2]) may also be applied in the same manner. Oil duly cooked with the drugs of the Surasádi Gana should be used in snuffing with the blue part ‡[3] of Indian bell- metal. 17 A.

Measures and remedies mentioned in connection

  1. * Ayas— lit. iron, is also used for all the metals generally.
  2. † Ayas-as in para 15 may mean any metal.
  3. ‡ Oil duly cooked with the drugs of the Surasádi Gana should be placed in a pot of Indian bell-metal. When the inner surface of the pot would become blue by being oxidised, the oil should be well stirred and mixed With that blue part and used as an errhine.