Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/374

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of the disease due to the retention of any natural physical urging (Udávarta-Pratishedha). 1

Causes: — A wise man valuing his life shall never repress any natural urging of his body, whether upward or downward, e. g. that of Váyu, etc. Udávarta is so called from its origin from the repression of any natural urging such as Váta (flatus), evacuation of bowels, micturition, yawning, lacrimation, sneezing, eructation, vomiting and discharge of semen when it makes its appearance (Udita) and urges a person to answer its call. Udávarta is also brought on by the repression of hunger, thirst, respiration and sleep. I shall now fully describe its symptoms and the mode of medical treatment to be pursued therein. It is of thirteen different types and are brought about through the aforesaid causes, over and above the one incidental to the habitual use of unwholesome food and drink (Apathyaja). 2-4.

Symptoms of Vátaja Udávarta:—The vital Apána-Váyu (at the anus) anyhow obstructed in its passage gives rise to distension and cramps in the abdomen, oppression and a constricted feeling at the heart, headache, laboured breathing, hiccough, cough, catarrh, catching pain at the throat which makes speaking and Deglutition difficult (Gala-graha), violent movement of deranged Pitta and Kapha all through the body and suppression of stools or emission of fecal matter through the mouth. 5.