Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/377

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chap. LV.]

measures and medicines laid down in connection with the treatment of Ánáha should be employed. 20-21.

Wine charged with a large quantity of Souvarchala-salt should be administered in a case due to the retention of urine. Milk or Elá should also be taken in combination with wine. The expressed juice of Dhátridiluted with water should be taken for three successive days; or the expressed liquid of the dung of a horse or of an ass should be taken; or wine made from treacle (Goudika) should be taken with honey and cooked meat should beltaken by biting at intervals. One Tolá weight of the compound consisting of Bluidra-dáru, Musta, Murvá, Haridrá and Yashti-madhu should be dissolved in an adequate quantity of rain-water and then be taken. The expressed juice of Dusparśá (Durá-labhá) or an infusion of Kum-kuma (D. R. — decoction of Kakubha i.e., Arjuna should be taken, or Erváruka- seeds mixed with a little salt should also be taken with water. Milk duly cooked with Pancha-mula, *[1] or the expressed juice of Drákshá should be prescribed. The medicinal remedies previously described as possessed of the efficacy of disintegrating gravels, (Aśmari) †[2] should be administered. Similarly, all the measures to be mentioned hereafter in connection with the medical treatment of Mutra-krichchhra ‡[3] (strangury) and of Mutrágháta § [4] (obstruction of urine) which I shall have occasion to deal with later on should also be adopted in this case. 22.

A case of Udávarta due to the suppression of

  1. * Both Dallana and S'ivadása recommend the use of minor Panchamula, but S'rikantha recommeds the Trina-Pancha-mula.
  2. † For As'mari — See Chiktisita-sthána, Chapter VII.
  3. ‡ For Mutra-Krichchhra— Sec ch. LIX., Uttara-Tantra,
  4. § For Mutrághatá— See ch. LVIII, Uttara-Tantra