Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/381

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Chap. LV.]

solution remaining. Draughts of the this decoction would relieve an attack of Udavárta. 33.

A potion of clarified butter duly cooked with the decoction of dried*[1] Mulaka, Árdraka, Varshábhu, Pancha-mula[2] and Árevata (Áragvadha) fruits would cure any form of Udávarta whatsoever. 34.

A compound consisting of Vachá, Ativishá, Kushtha, Yava-Kshára, Haritaki, Pippali and Chitraka should also be taken with tepid water, or a compound consisting of Iksháku-roots,, Madana, Viśalyá, Ativishá, Vacha, Kushtha, Kinva (sediment of wine) and Agnika taken in equal parts should also be taken in the aforesaid manner. A compound of Deva-dáru, Agni, Tri-phalá and Vrihati, should be taken with the urine of a cow. The decoction of Kantakári-fruits and barley weighing a Prastha cooked in an Ádhaka measure of water and boiled down to half a Prastha only, should be taken in combination with Hingu. 35 — 38.

A compound consisting of the pulverised seeds of Madana and of Alávu, Pippali and Nidigdhiká should be blown into the rectum with a pipe. A Varti made of Nikumbha (Danti), Kampilla, Śyámá (Trivrit), Iksháku, Agnika, (Ajamoda), Krita-Vedhana (Kosátaki), Mágadhi and salt pounded together, made into a paste with the addition of cow's urine, dried and cut into a proportionate size, should be inserted into the rectum. The last two ambrosial remedies give instantaneous relief in a case of Udáivarta. 39.

Thus ends the fifty-fifth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Udávarta.

  1. * Dallana takes dried (S'ushka) with both 'Mulaka and Árdraka.
  2. † Dallana recommends the major Pancha-mula; but according to Chakrapáni's commentary, "Bhánumati," it should be the minor Pancha-mula.