Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/396

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[Chap LVIII.

properties and tends to remove the seminal troubles (e. g., Mutra-śukra) as well. 20.

A compound consisting of Valá, Śvadamshtrá, seeds of lotus (Krouncha)*[1], Tandula (i.e., seeds) of Kokiláksha †[2] roots of Śata-parvan ‡[3], Devadáru, Chitraka and stone of Aksha, pasted together and dissolved in wine should be taken by a person . under the circumstances inasmuch as it removes the defects of urine and eliminates the gravels from the bladder. 21.

The ashes of burnt Pátalá wood, which are efficacious in relieving all sorts of urinary troubles, should be strained seven times in succession (after the manner of Kshára preparation) and taken with a small quantity of oil. In a similar way a paste of Nala, Ikshu, Darbha, Aśma-bheda and the seeds of Trapusha and Erváruka, should be duly washed in milk and filtered and taken in combination with clarified butter. Powders of Tvak, Elá and Tri-katu should be taken by the intelligent one in combination with the alkaline solution of the ashes of Pátalá, Yava-kshára, Páribhadra and Tila. Lambatives made of the powders of the above-mentioned drugs should be separately licked with treacle. 22 — 24.

Now I shall describe the measures which are beneficial in Mutra-dosha (urinary defects). Purgatives should be administered to a patient after the due application of Sneha and Sveda. Uttara-vastis should be injected after he has been duly purged. 25.

Sexual intercourse should be refrained from by a person afflicted with a discharge of blood from the

  1. * Dallana explains Krounchásthi as bones of a Krouncha bird, but we are not inclined to accept this explanation.
  2. † Some explain "Kokilákshaka-tandula" as meaning Kokiláksha and Tandula (rice) which meaning may also be accepted.
  3. ‡ "S'ata-parvan" may mean Durbá-grass or bamboo.