Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/40

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[Chap. II.

Netra-nádi and are classified into four different groups, the different symptoms of which will be described presently. A suppuration (D. R. swelling) in any of the unions (Sandhi) of the eye marked by a discharge of pus is called Puyá-sráva. This is due to the concerted action of the Doshas (Kapha, Pitta and blood). The secretion of slimy, white and thick muco-purulent discharges marked by the absence of pain *[1] is called Śleshmá-sráva. The flow of thin, warm †[2] and blood-streaked copious discharge due to a contaminated state of the local blood is called Raktá-sráva. A warm, water-like and yellowish blue (D. R. reddish yellow) discharge from the middle part of the union (owing to the deranged condition of the Pitta) is called Pittá-sráva. 3.

Symptoms of Parvani, etc.:— A small, round and copper-coloured swelling occurring at the joining of the Krishna-mandala and Śukla-mandala, due to the vitiated state of the local blood and attended with a burning sensation and aching pain, is called Parvani. A swelling possessed of the preceding features and occurring at the very same joining is called Alaji (Keratitis)‡[3] . A cyst or swelling (Granthi) characterised by an itching sensation appearing on the joining of the eye-lids and eye-lashes owing to the germination of parasites (Krimi) in those localities, is called Krimi-granthi. Parasites of different forms in such a case are found to infest the regions where the inner lining of the Vartma-

  1. * According to Mâdhava's reading, the absence of pain is not a necessary concomitant in this case.
  2. † According to Mâdhava's reading thinness and warmness are not essential.
  3. ‡ The difference between a case of Parvani and that of Alaji is that the swelling in a case of Parvani is smaller, and that in the Alaji is larger.