Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/401

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Chap. LIX.]

the orifice of the organ (urethra) is not again obstructed by the presence of other calculii. These are the symptoms which characterise a case of Mutrágháta (obstructed urination)due to the presence of gravels in the bladder. 9.

General Treatment: — Now I shall describe the mode of medical treatment and active therapeutic agents to be employed in the eight cases of Mutrá-gháta. Medical measures and remedies mentioned in connection with the treatment of Aśmari (stone) should also*[1] be employed in the present instance in due succession — commencing with the application of Sneha, etc. — with proper regard to the Dosha or Dhosas involved in each case. 10.

Treatment of Vátaja Type:— Oil, clarified butter and lard mixed together should be duly cooked with Śva-damshtrá, Aśmabheda, Kumbhi (a kind of moss), Hapushá, Kantakári, Balá, Śatávari, Rásná, Varuna, Giri-karniká and the drugs of the Vidári-gandhádi group. Oil or clarified butter alone may also be similarly cooked and prepared with the above drugs. The above preparations should be internally administered, or injected into the intestines after the manner of an Anuvásana-vasti, or into the urethra as an Uttara-vasti for giving relief in cases of Vátaja Mutra-krichchhra. 11-12.

Pittaja and Kaphaja Types:— The internal use of the clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Trina-pancha-mula, Utpaládi, Kákolyádi and Nyagrodhádi groups, would give an instantaneous relief in a case of Pittaja Mutra-Krichchhra. The use of this Ghrita as an Uttara-vasti would also similarly give

  1. * Dallana says that the presence of the particle " " (meaning also) indicates that the mode of medical treatment prescribed in cases of Mutrághatá should also be applied in this case.