Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/418

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[Chap. LXII.

(nerves) over the body, laboured breathing (D. R. experience of excessive coldness), emaciation of the body and throbbing of the joints of the limbs are the specific features of a case of the Vátaja type (of Unmâda) and the patient in such a case reads clapping his hands, or sings while dancing, or shouts or wanders about. Excessive thirst, perspiration, burning sensation, voracious eating, insomnia, desire for shade, cold, wind and walks on the banks (of rivers or tanks), fits of anger, fancying fire in cold water and fancied sight of stars in the heavens in the day are the symptoms which characterise a case of the Pittaja type. Vomiting, dulness of appetite, lassitude or gone-feeling in the limbs, aversion to food, fondness for sexual propulsion and loveliness, stupidity, somnolence, reservedness in speech, eating little, fondness for warm things and aggravation of the disease in the night mark a case of the Kaphaja type of insanity. 5-7.

Tri -doshaja Type:— A case of Sánnipátikainsanity exhibits all the symptoms belonging to the three aforesaid types origined from the three Doshas, viz., Váta, Pitta and Kapha. A case in which the specific symptoms of the disease are manifested in full should be deemed as incurable. Several authorities, however, hold the Sannipátika type to be sometimes curable. 8.

Śokaja and Vishaja types:— A person frightened by a thief, a king's officers or his own enemy or any such person, or suffering from any distracted state of the mind owing to a loss of wealth, or from any grief (Soka) or bereavement or from any disappointed love would likely have an attack of mental distraction (insanity). In such cases he would unconsciously talk incoherently about subjects uppermost in his mind or would sing in a stupid fashion or laugh or