Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/431

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[Chap. LXIV.

heat-producing (e, g. pungent, acid and saline) tastes should be avoided in summer. Large tanks, lakes and rivers as well as charming gardens and cold rooms should be resorted to, and the finest (refreshing) sandal-pastes and garlands of flowers of lotuses and lilies, soft breeze from palm-leaf-fans and necklaces (of precious stones and pearls) as well as light clothes should be used in summer. Sweet-scented and cooling Pánakas and Manthas with abundance of sugar should be used. Sweet, liquid and cold food mixed with clarified butter, and boiled milk sweetened with sugar, etc , taken at night-time would be found (tasteful and) beneficial at that time. One should at that time lie on a bed strewn over with full- blown and fresh flowers in some palatial building with his body besmeared with sandal-pastes and refreshed by-cooling breeze, 11.

Rules for Právrit (rainy) season:-- *[1] Articles of the three (viz. sweet, acid and saline) heavy Rasas as well as milk, tepid meat-soup, oil, clarified butter, and everything which is Vrimhana (fat-making) and Abhishyandi (secreting) in its nature are beneficial after the end of the summer season i.e. in the rainy season. The bodily Váyu which is liable to be aggravated and which actually begins to aggravate in the summer should be pacified by wise men with Váyu-subduing remedies. 12 A.

River-water, Ruksha (non-demulcent) and heat-producing articles, Manthas prepared with abundance of water, the sun's rays, physical exercise, day-sleep and sexual intercourse should be avoided in this season. Old barley, old Shastika-rice, old Śáli-rice, and old wheat

  1. * A period of four months has been ascribed to the rains. Of these the first two months are called Právrit, and the last two Varshá— both meaning the rainy season. See chapter VI, Sutra-sthána.