Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/47

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Chap. IV.

crop of white pustular growths (Pidakâ) on the Sclerotic coat (Śukla), near the limit of the black coat (Iris) and covered over with shreds of veins are called the 'Sirá-Pidaká. The disease in which a speck coloured like the Indian bell-metal (Kàmsya) and covered over with a vein (Sirá) appears on the region of the Scleratic coat is called the Balása*[1]. 8-13.

Thus ends the fourth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the pathology of the diseases of the Sceloretic region of the eye.

  1. * The reading in Mâdhava's Nidâna is quite different here, and Dallana seems to support that. It is defined as the disease in which a hard speck appears like a drop of water on the white coat and looks like bell-metal in colour.