Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/69

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Chap. X. ]

to. The thick liquid extract (Rasa-Kriyá)*[1] of Pálindi or Yashti-madhu mixed with honey and sugar, should be likewise employed. As an alternative, a compound consisting of Musta, Samudra-phena, Utpala, Vidanga, Elá, Dhátri and Vijaka and prepared in the manner of Rasa-kriyá should be employed (as an Anjana). 4.

Acompound of Tálisa (D. R. — Káśiśa), Elá, Gairika, Uśira and Śamkha (conch-shell) pasted with breast-milk should be applied to the affected organ in the manner of an Anjana (eye-salve). As an alternative, the powder or the Rasa-kriyá of Dhátaki and Syandana (D. R. — Chandana) mixed with breast-milk should be used as an Anjana. Gold-leaf rubbed with breast-milk, or the flowers of Kimśuka rubbed with honey, or of a compound of Rodhra, Drákshá, sugar,Utpala, Vacha and Yashti-madhu rubbed with breast-milk should be used as an Anjana. Barks of Varnaka[2] pasted in cow's milk, or (red) Chandana wood, Udumbara and Toya (Válá) pasted in the same, or Samudra-phena rubbed either in honey or breast-milk should be likewise applied to the eyes in the manner of an Anjana. 5.

Áŝchyotana: — Rodhra, Yashti-madhu, Drákshá, sugar and Utpala should be soaked in breast-milk. It should then be folded inside a piece of silk (Kshauma) and employed as an Áŝchyotana (eye-drop). A compound of Yashti-madhu and Rodhra rubbed in clarified butter should be similarly used. A compound of Káśmari (Gámbhári) Dhátri, Pathyá (Haritaki) and Toya (Vâlá),

  1. * For preparation of Rasa-kriyá see Chapter XVIII, ibid.
  2. † According to Dallana, 'Varnaka' means 'Rochanika'. It may also mean 'Karnika'ra' which is not accepted either by Gay or by Dallana. It may also mean Chandana which is most probably the meaning here.