Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/174

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that He hears and perceives everything that is spoken and every thought that any one entertains."

From other representative dreams he understands "that I must employ my remaining time in writing upon that which is higher, and not upon worldly things which are far below; and indeed that I must write about that which concerns the very centre of all, and that which concerns Christ. May God be so gracious as to enlighten me respecting my duty, for I am still in some obscurity as to the direction whither I am to turn."

Early in May, 1744, he went to London for the better prosecution of his work on The Animal Kingdom. His dreams, interior struggles, and thorough purification were continued.

"May 5 and 6. . . . This now is the sum of all: First, that there is nothing but grace by which we can be saved. Second, grace is in Jesus Christ, who is the seat of grace. Third, love to God in Christ promotes salvation. Fourth, man then allows himself to be led by the spirit of Jesus. Fifth, everything that comes from ourselves is dead, and is nothing but sin, and worthy