Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/242

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constant therein as you have hitherto, and you will prosper."

John Christian Cuno, soldier, poet, and merchant, of Amsterdam, left a manuscript autobiography, in which he has much to say of Swedenborg:—

"I must remain faithful to a promise made last year, and begin by giving an account of the most singular saint who has ever lived, Mr. Emanuel Swedenborg. As nothing concerns me more in this world than the worship of God, and as I found interspersed in the last work of that man such strange and singular things, I was naturally impelled by an irresistible curiosity to make the acquaintance of the author. . . .

"The Christian worship of God is subject to this sad calamity in this world, that attacks are made upon it either by arrogant fools who call themselves strong-minded, or by visionaries; the latter rendering it ridiculous sometimes without wishing to do so, but the former endeavoring to do so with all their power. The learned Mr. Swedenborg cannot be classed among the freethinkers and enemies of the Christian religion; for he writes with the greatest reverence for God and His Word.