Page:Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church.djvu/64

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those who thought the worst of me; and that he has since promised me his further favor and protection, of which I have been assured both directly and indirectly. But let me tell you all more in detail. After his Majesty had sufficiently inquired as to my character, studies, and the like, and I being so fortunate as to have good references, he offered me three posts and offices to choose from, and afterward gave me the warrant for the rank and post of an Assessor Extraordinary. But as my enemies played too many intrigues with the above-mentioned warrant and couched it in ambiguous terms, I sent it back to his Majesty with some comments, well knowing whom I had to depend upon; when there was immediately granted me a new one, and likewise a gracious letter to the College of Mines. My opponent had to sit down at the King's own table and write this out in duplicate in two forms, of which the King selected the best; so that those who had sought to injure me were glad to escape with honor and reputation, they had so nearly burned their fingers.

"Dædalus has enjoyed the favor of lying these three weeks upon his Majesty's table, and has