Page:Sydney City Incorporation Act 1842.pdf/3

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Occupiers of houses warehouses counting-houses and shops of the value of £25 per annum duly enrolled entitled to be citizens if resident householders within seven miles.12. And be it enacted That every male person of the full age of twenty-one years who on the day of the passing of this Act shall have occupied any house warehouse counting-house or shop of the annual value of twenty-five pounds within the said City during one whole year such date and also during the time of such occupation shall have been an inhabitant-householder within the said City or within seven miles of the same shall on being duly enrolled according to the provisions hereinafter contained be a citizen and member of the body corporate of the Mayor Aldermen Councillor and Citizens of the said City and that every male person of the full age aforesaid who on f lie last day of August in any year after the incorporation of the said City shall have occupied any house warehouse counting-house or shop within the said City of the annual value of twenty-five pounds clear of all charges thereupon during the whole of one year preceding such date and also during the time of such occupation shall have been an inhabitant-householder within the said City or within seven miles thereof shall if duly enrolled in that year according to the provisions hereinafter contained be a citizen of the said City and member of the body corporate of the Mayor Aldermen Councillors and Citizens of the same Provided always that no such person shall be so enrolled in any year unless he shall have paid on or before the last day of August as aforesaid all such rates including therein all City rates (if any) directed to be paid under the provisions of this Act as shall have become payable by him in respect of the said premises except such as shall become payable within six calendar months next before the said last day of August Provided also that the premises in respect of the occupation of which any person shall have been so rated need not be the same premises or in the same ward but may be different premises in the same ward or in different wards within the City provided likewise that no person being an alien shall be so enrolled in any year and that no person shall be so enrolled in any year who within twelve calendar months before shall have received eleemosynary relief in or from any benevolent asylum or other charitable institution or who may have had any child admitted to any school or other establishment for orphan or destitute children in the said Colony or its Dependencies within the preceding three years Provided also that in every case under this Act the distance of seven miles aforesaid shall be computed by the nearest public road or way by land or water from the nearest part of the boundary of the City.

In certain cases where persons occupy premises jointly each person to be entitled to be enrolled a citizen.13. And be it enacted That where any premises as aforesaid in the said City shall be jointly occupied by more persons than one asl owners tenants each of such joint, occupiers shall subject to the conditions hereinbefore contained as to persons occupying premises within the said City be entitled to be enrolled as a citizen thereof or to vote as aforesaid in respect, of the premises so jointly occupied Provided that the value of such premises to be ascertained and determined as aforesaid shall be of an amount which when divided by the number of such occupiers shall give for each occupier a sum not less than the sum which would entitle such person to be enrolled or to vote as aforesaid if he occupied separately but, not otherwise.

In case of titles by descent how the occupation is to be reckoned.14. And be it enacted That, where any house warehouse counting-house or shop as aforesaid in the said City shall come to any person by descent marriage marriage-settlement or devise such person shall be entitled to reckon the occupancy and rating in respect of the occupancy thereof by the person from or by whom such house warehouse counting-house or shop shall have so come to him as his own occupancy and rating conjointly with the time during which he shall have since occupied and been rated for the same and shall be entitled to be enrolled a citizen and to vote as aforesaid in respect of such successive occupancy and rating provided he shall be otherwise qualified
