Page:Symbolical Methods of Study.djvu/16

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This little volume is a humble attempt to reproduce in a form intelligible to young people, the thoughts of some teachers of Symbolic Method of our time, as expressed in their conversation and letters.

Mr. Betts's theory of counterpart-forms, alluded to on p. 49, connects itself naturally with G. Boole's idea that the perfect friendship is that which exists between two persons of exactly opposite tastes, opinions, and habits of thought harmonized by similar aims and views of life. In Boole's logical equation, the i — ;r (or noUx^ or polar-opposite of x) must belong to, and be included in, the same " Universe of Thought," as the x itself The pair of friends * who " stood back to back," stood, of course, on the same level and were in danger from the same foes. Mr. Betts seems to recognize that

  • See p. 12.