Page:Synoptical studies in the Chinese character (1874).djvu/89

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1100 pien4, to plait.
1101 p'an1 or pan4, petals.

1102 shih1, to set.
1103 ch'i2, a flag. Commonly written .
1104 3, traders.
1105 ching1, a distinction; a banner.
1106 tsu2, a clan; a family.
1107 hsüan1.2, to turn round; by and by.
1108 mao2, part of a banner.

1109 ch'i2, odd; strange.
1110 chi4, a letter.

1111 ssu2, to sacrifice to one's ancestors.
1112 shê4, the Genius loci.
1113 ssu4, to sacrifice.
1114 ch'i2, to hope.
