Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/148

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140 Systems of Sanskrit Grammar lamanda quoted by Durgadisa 107.30. Rimadurian's com, on the Madhya- Siddhantakanumadı 51.10. Rimeahhha patron of Nagojilbhalja 30.1. Raticat, ce Bhusu dikshita. Ramatarkeragisa, commentator on Mugdlahodha 107-24; his empple- ment o Mugdhabadha 108-10; is Unadikosa 108-22. Rangacharya's edition of Safikara's Sarvasiddhiata-sañgraba 105'n3. Rangoji-dikshita brother of Bhat- to 16 24; 48-ni. Rasagangadhara 49-27. Rasavata another name for the Jan- mara s.l.ool 100-32; quoted in Bha- rute's coun. on Binisikivya 110-1. Rasaveti Junurunandi's vritti on Kramadīśvara's Sankshiptasara 109-31. Rasbtrakta 09-15. Ratalina 79-n8. Ratnakare 101-35. Rayaumk-ta mentions Chandra Lingimusasana 60 20. Recasts of Ashtadhyay 8 20:57-2. Rigveda, grammatical speculations 1-25; its Salita interior to Paisi 14.12. Ronan conquest, influencing study of Gresk 2.12. Royal Asiatic Society, the Bombay Branch, Journal of, 35-n2. Ropagesramia's Harinamamțitam 118-17. Rapals of Vimalasarasvati men- tions Vararnchi alias Katyayana as amihor of Undisutras 27 al it is a recast of Ashtadhyay 14-2; its date 443, 4401; ite arrangement of topics 446 ; ia- ebtedness to it acknowledged by Bhattoji Drkshita 45-a1. Bupasiddhi, an abridgment of Sa- katayana Sabdanussana, by Dayapala 72-23. Rupavali 51-16. Rudra-(or Padma-)kumare, father of Haradatta 39.11. S Saharasvamin 53 20. Sabdakaustubha by Bhattoji, a com. on the Asbjadhyayi 47-12; probably not completed by the auther 47-14, 17-13; com. on it called Vishami, by Nigen 40-18; another com. called Prabie, by Vaidyautla 50'15; 107-7. Sabdamaisarnara-nyasa, un anony- mous com. on Hemachandia's Bribadvritti 79-7. Sabdanusisana of Hemachandra presumably utilised by Bhattoji for his Siddhantakauniadi 40-22. Sabdinussaua of Malayagiri 80.31 ff. Sabdanuśtsana of Sakatyena (Jaina) not a very ancient work 26-8; later than Jaiuendra C8-9; meant for Svetainlures 68-13; mentioned in the Ganuraina- mahodadhi 68-16; in the Madha- Viya-Dhatuyritti C8-17; com- mentaries on it 68-14: accessory treatises on it 08-14; not the same as ancient Sakatayans $ 52: proof for this 60 1: quoted as abhinaca by Bopadeva 68-31. Sabians@sann-Briladvritti, Hema- chaudia's com. Saanuśasana 76.17; three disent Nyasas on the same 70-91, 70-2, 79-7; its quota- tions mostly identified by the first Nyatea 76-2; contains Siddharaja's pras'asti 77-8 ; its abrigment perhaps by Hema- chandra himself 768; con- prehends also accessory treatises of the school 77-28: Dhoulbiks on it 78-6 ff; a Legha-nyaen on it 79.1. on own Sabduratna, Nagoji's com. on the Praudbamanorama 49 16; a com.. Plavaprakasiku, on it by Vaidya- natha 50-15. Sabdarthachandrika by Hansavija- yagani 100-27. Sablasiddhi, Mahadeva's com. on Durgasimha's vritti 89-10. Sadananda's Subodhini 102-14f. Sages, the three, 34.11. Sabajakirti's Sarasvataprakriyavar- tika, 100-21 ft; his date 100-24, 100-nl. Sali Salem, emperor of Delhi, honours Chandrakirti 98-17 ff, 98-11.