Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/151

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General Index The Schools of Sanskrit grammar, nearly duzou 1.10; Aindra school of Graminarians by Dr. Eurnell; the Drkshita school 48 nl, $33. The school of Panini §$10 to 41; review of its history 841; three stages in its later his- tory 56.11. Chandra school §42 to §46; its branching off from the Papintys school 56.27; its later history $46; why dis- appeared from India 61.28ff. The Jainendra school §47-850; its later history § 50. school of Sakatayana §51-§55; its later history $55. Early secta- rian schools 8842-62. Rise of popular schools of grammar 56.34 $63-880. Hemachandra school $56-862; its later history $62; limited influence 80-22ff. ihe Katantra school $63-$72; its early history $67; its history in Bengal $1 in Kasmir $72. The Sarasvata school $73-880; general review of its history $80. The school of Bopadeva §§81-85; its later history $84. The Jaumará school §86-89; its present status $89. The Saupadma school $890-94; 1 its present status §94. Later sectarian schools $95-$97. Scytidan invasions as affecting de- velopment of Sanskrit 34.20; the people not unknown to Indians before Alexander's invasion 15.33; 33; 17.32; their first king Deioces 18.1. 143 Shahajeban patron of Jagannatha 46.27. . Sheshagiri Shastri 39.n2; 40 nl. Siddhanandi quoted by Sakatayana 70.n5. Siddhantachandrika by Rama- chandraśrama 102.10; its com- mentaries 102-13ff; the author's own abridgment of it eailed Laghn-Siddhantachand:iki with a com. 102.19. Siddhuntakaumu3r of Bhattoji modelled upon Ramachandra's Prakriyakaumudi 45 10: im- portance of the Siddhantakau- mudi $31;its presumed indebted- ness to Hemachandra's Sabdann- susana 46.22; author's own com. on it in two recensions 47.7 ; com, Tattvabodhin! by Jüänen- drasarasvati 47.25, with a sup. plement by Jayakrisima 48.4; com. on it by Nagojibhatta 49.15; ite abridgments $34; its relation to the Haimakaumudr 79.21f; 109.3. Siddhantaratua by Jinendu alias Jinaratna 102.27. Siddharaja, see Jayasinha. Siddhasena quoted by Pujyapada 66-n2; not a grammarian at all according to Ilemachandra 66.22. Siksha (of Panini) not a very an- cient work 27-12; a stanza from it found in the Mahabhäshya 27-15, 27-05; the same com- mented upon by Bhartrihari 27-n5; and quoted by Kumarila 27.05; 60-30. Silahara 67-4. Singarour, see Sringaverapura. Stradeva's treatise on Paribhashas quoted in the Mudhaviya-Dhatu- vritti 55.6. Sectarian schools, early $$42-62; later §§95-97. Senaka mentioned by Panini 12.12. Sesha-Krishna author of Prakas'a on Ramachandra's Prakriyukau- mudr 45.25 personal details about him 45.27; the precep-Sishyalekhu, poem by Chandra- tor of Bhattoji 46.3, who is how- ever not grateful to his memory 46.29; his date cir. 1600 A. D. 46.4; Jagannatha his son's pupil gomin (?) 61-6. Sisupalavadha 27-13. Sisuprabodha by Pañjaruja 97-8. Siva revealed the pratyahara sutras to Panini 19-13; 23-18; 83-6; (vowels) 114-22. 47-2, 48-ni. Sesha-Nrisimhasuri father of Sesha- Krishna 45-26. Beshuraju, sse Patanjali. Seshasarman's com. on the Pari- bhaahendusekhara 55-9. Sivabhatta father of Nagojibhatta 49.34. Śivananda 51-10. .