Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/154

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146 Systems of Sanskrit Grammar simha 90-1, and that current in Kasur 85-n2: none for Siras- vatn 94-29, 103-8: of Goyichan- dra 11014; of Padmanabhadatiu the founder of Suupadma 119-19. Gradivritti (Samadhia) of Padma- ubiidatta 119-24; its arrange- ment 112-25. padedamalakarnika of Lakshrai. vollabha G8-3. Upadhyaya quoted by Hemachan- dra 76-n2; see Kaiyyata. pala quoted by Iemachandra 76-n2. Upasargavritti of Chandragomin 60-12; found in Tibetan version only 60-26. Grañgala 101.9. V ( Tadura mentioned by Patañjali Vadiraja alias Jayasimha II, fellow-student of Dayupala 72-24, and a Chilukya emperor 72-25. Vahade father of Mandana and brother of the minister Padama 99.7. Vaidya community of Bengal as producing many writers on Ka- tautra 90-25. Vaidyanatha Payagunda, pupil of Nagesa 48 D1 comments upon Sabda-kaustuhha 47-23; his works $32, 50-3, 55-9; personal de- tails about him 50-5ft. Vaishnava grammars 113-15, 114.3; now current only in Bengal 114-9. Vaiyakaranas, mentioned in the Nirokta 8 01. Vaiyakaranasiddhantabbushaña of Rondabbatta 48 n1, 48-14, 55-24; com. on it by Nagesa 55-26. Vaiyakaranusiddhantamañjusha of Nagcéa 49-20; a com. on it by Vaidyanatha, called Kala 50-14. Vajapyayana mentioned by Katya- yana 31-n5. Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya, the first grammatical work of Katyayana 29-11; posterior to and based upon Panini 29-02; some of its rules repeated in an einended form as vārtikas 30-5, 30 n1; re- fers to Sakatayana 31-n8, and Šakalya 21.04. Vajasauoyi Satilitz 29-14. Vajrata 42-18. Vakyapadiya account of vicissitudi in the Mahabhishya text 13-20. 13-14, 33-5 41-15; states ther Mahabhashya was a sommary of Vyadi's Sangraha 51-9; men- tions Baiji and others 35 n1; by Bhurtrihari S27; its nature 41-11; gives the earliest re- feronce to Chandra and men- tions his predecessors 41.19, 57-20; 42-18; 50-23; 59-n1. Vallabhadeva in the Subhashita- vali quotes Panini the poet 13 7. Valmiki-Ramayana, commentary. on, by Nageda 49-6. Vamana, one of the authors of the Kasika 35-12, 86-8, his conti- bution to the Kadika distin- guished from that of Jayaditya 36-4, 36-n1; minister of Jay- pija of Kasmir, sometimes iden- tified with Jayaditya 36 21: quoted by Vitthalacharya 45-20: identified with the author of a Liñganususana 54-2, quoted by Hemachandra 76-12; and by Bhattoji 107-9; see Jayaditya. Vamavicharya author of u Linga- nusisana 53-28; identified with author of the Kasika 54-2; ear- lier writers mentioned by bi 53-30f; mentions Chandra Lin. ganusasana 60-20. Vamanendra-sarasvati 47-26. Vanstvädana's com. on Goyichand- ra's vritti 110-20. Vanamali's Kalapavyakaraṇotpatti- prastava 82-n2. Varadaraju author of abridgments of the Siddhantakaumudi 51-4; 62-21; 104-11. Varanavanesa author of Amrita- sriti, a com. on the Prakriya- kaumondi 46.01. Vararachi (alias Katyayana) said to have been at first a follower of the Aindra school 10-15; mentioned by Vitualasarasvati as, anthor of the Unadisutras, 27-6; 111-1; 53-24; 53-30; 53-n2. 85-ni; credited with authorship of the Batantra-kritprakaraṇa