Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/55

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[- § 31 Bhattoji's Siddhantakaumudi 47 very scant justice in his Praudha-Manorama. As Jagan- nätha himself was the pupil of the son of this Sesha- Krishna, this gives us Bhattoji's date, which must be about A. D. 1630. This is also confirmed by the fact that a pupil of Bhattoji wrote a work in Samvat 1693.º togas silturmendi Bhattoji himself wrote a commentary on his Sid- dhanta-kaumudi, called Praudha-Manorama to distinguish . it from an abridgment of the same called Bala Manorama also by the same author. Besides shorter works such as commentaries on the Päniniya Dhatupäṭha, Liñganusisana, &c, Bhattoji wrote the Sabda-kaustubha which is a volu- minous commentary on Panini's Ashtadhyayi similar in plan to the Kāśika This was left, probably, incom- plete; though he must have written as far at least as the fourth ähnika of adhyāya iii, and not only the first päda of the first adhyaya, as is usually supposed.³ Besides Jagannatha's commentary on the Praudha- Manorama, there is another written by Nagesa, but as- cribed by him to his teacher Hari-dikshita, just as Nägesa ascribed another work, a commentary on the Adhyatma-Rāmāyaṇa, to his parton. Sabda-kaustubha similarly is commented upon by Nagesa and by Nagesa's pupil Vaidyanatha Payagunda. To commentaries ancient and modern on the Siddhantakaumudi there is no limit. Those most famous are the Tattvabodhini by Jñanendra- sarasvati, pupil of Vamanendra-sarasvati, which treats 1 Compare defigg and med garan erat fat.. 2 Deccan College Ms. No. 183 of A.1882-83, the author of which Festaatonat..... tentang is . er er 3 Gov. Or. Mss. Library, Madras, faargt dearests: Ms. Do. 1328 goes upto the gat - fifth zhniko of adbyaya iii. may als profesiona