Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/62

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54 Systems of Sanskrit Grammar § 38-1 these works prior to 1200 A. D., and, if Dr. Peterson's identification of Vämanächärya with the author of the Käsikā be correct, prior also to 800 A. D. 39. Unadipatte --The question as to the authorship of the Paniniya Unadi-sutras has been already dealt with (p. 25, above). These Unãdis have been very readily absorbed with only slight modifications-by the various non-Paniniya schools such as Katantra, Haima, Jaumara,. Saupadma, &c. In the school of Panini the future de- velopment of the Unādis has been only by way of com- mentaries, the best known being Ujjvaladatta's Vritti, which, as pointed out by Aufrecht in his introduction to his edition of that work, must be assigned to cir. 1250. Ujjvaladatta quotes the Vrittis of Kshapanaka, Govar- dhana, Purushottamadeva, and the Sati-vritti,-all of which preceded his own commentary. Later than Ujjvaladatta come Manikyadeva, Bhattoji, and others. 40. Paribhashës-Already we have more than once alluded to the Papiniya paribhashas. Panini himself gave a few of these as his sütras, but he can be proved to have tacitly employed a still larger number. Katyāyana quotes one, according to Patañjali's showing, in his vārtika 3 to sūtra i. 1. 65, while Vyādi, who according to some was a near relation of Panini, is credited with the authorship of almost all the paribhashas now current. The doctrine of the paribhashas was, however, fully elabo- rated by Patanjali and the writers who came after him.² So much ingenuity and energy has been spent on the Report iii. p. 41. The Jinen- 2 For the distinction between f dra here mentioned must be the founder of the Jainendra- Vyakarana. 1 Goldstücker: Panini, page 114 (Reprint, p. 87). wat and and the whole theory of paribhashas see ibidem, pp. 115 (Reprint, p. 89) and the following.