Page:Systems-of-Sanskrit-Grammar-SK Belvalkar.pdf/79

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[- § 55 Sakaṭāyana School: Later History Panini's sūtra v. 2.128, which runs Chandra changed this into out f(=) =) far-

, where the substantial change is the

addition of the qualifying clause erargra. Sākaṭāyana says just what Chandra said, but instead of me puis a form which is shorter by full two syllables-fa. In his technical terminology also he has often taken up Chandra words in preference to Panini's wherever the former were shorter. Thus he has used, wife, a and are instead of fara, fara, and of Pänini. 54. Other works of the Sakaṭāyana school.-Besides the Sabdanuśāsana and the Amoghavritti Säkaṭāyana is credited with the authorship of i. Paribhäsha-sūtras, ii. Ganapatha in sixteen pädas, iii. Dhātupāṭha, iv. Uņādi-sūtras in four pädas, and v. Liñganušāsana in seventy äryã stanzas. Of these none is older than the corresponding Papiniya treatise. One expects to find in the Unadi-sutras at least traces of the ancient Sakatayana and his works, but he is sure to be disappointed in his expectations. The other treatises also do not call for any special notice. Hema- chandra based his own Linganuśasana on that of Sakata- yana, of which, in fact, it is only an enlarged edition. 55. Later history of the Sakaṭāyana school. The later history of the Sakatayana school-as is the case with al- most every grammatical school-is to be divided into two parts: the period of commentaries and sub-commentaries, and the period of digests and manuals. The periods often overlap chronologically. Of commentaries on the Šakaṭāyana Šabdanusasana the most noted are i. a Nyasa quoted in the Mädhaviya Dhätuvritti. Probably this is 1 The Ma. in the Jain Maiha at Sravana Belgola is not, as re- ported, a Ms. of the Sakatu- sau) , ; it is a Ma, of Jiuen dis buddhi's Kikris ranapanjiku, and an almost complete Ms. for that, written ia Canerese characters. See before, note i en page 3.