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would be of the greatest benefit to them, because, though contrary to native rules of grammar, it is according to the law of nature and is authorized by the usage of languages of the best type.

6.—The introduction of the genitive with “of” would also be a benefit; adding greatly to flexibility and agreeably varying the expression of native thought. They might learn to say “The Ko of the Mikado” as s variation of Mikado no ko. As these changes found place in the language the present imperfect literature of the country might be ameliorated and elevated. Poetry with sweet, rhyming measures would become possible. The orator’s eloquence might be exhibited in assemblies of the people. Government despatches and epistolary correspondence would undergo a beneficial renovation.

Perhaps, however, English teachers will consider that their task is done if they teach good English to pupils. They will not readily be persuaded that it is part of their work to improve the native language. It is the only aim of this paper to point out the importance of the object in view, and to offer some suggestions as to how it should be done in the hope that educators will take it into consideration.

The government has great power on account of the submissiveness of the people. In China the improvement of the native language by foreign educators is utterly impracticable. It is not so in Japan. The institutions of the country are in the hands of the Government. The gradual abandonment of a Chinese education by the Japanese would open their minds to a true philosophy, and allow of a much more useful education being imparted to the youth of both sexes than that which they now receive. But this object might not to be gained by the sacrifice as suggested by Mori, Ambassador at Washington, of the native language.

Instead of abandoning the native language in favour of English, it should be enriched by large additions and the extension of its idioms after the European type of language. The more able pupils in schools will learn to speak English thoroughly. For an inferior class books