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than those of the European plant, but here the differences end. The Cyperus truncatus, Ture. is not uncommon at Yokoska, and is found in two forms, one attaining a height of about 40 centimêtres. I may also mention the Cyp. compressus, L.; Cyp. paniciformis Fr. and Sav., from the rice fields of Yokoska, very remarkable for the irregular disposition of its spikelets: Elæocharis bicolor, Fr. and Sav., the scales of which are red or white as they occupy the base or the summit of the ear. El. Onæi, Fr. and Sav.; Scirpus Badius. Presh. Sc. juncoides, Nees. Sc. Javanus, Nees; Sc. Pollichii, G. and God.; Sc. Striatulus Fr. and Sav. All these species grow in the environs of Yokoska with the exception of the Scirpus Juncoides, found in Hakone and Niko. Among the Fimbristylis, I will mention the F. tenuissima, Stend, and the F. Autumnalis, Ræm and Schit., the specific identity of which is not certain, but which do not the less constitute two new types for Japan. Miquel only knew the Scleria Japonica, Stend, which I have not been able to re-find, but I have received from Mr. Ono two other very different species of the Scl. Japonica, and differing equally the one from the other. These are Scl. Onæi and Scl. fenestrata Fr. and Sav.

In the list of plants which concludes the Prolusio, Miquel enumerates 56 species of Carex in Japan. I do not fear to state that this figure will be doubled at a not very distant period: indeed, I can now add seventeen species to the number. Carex argyrolepis sp. nov.; C. Hakonensis, sp. nov. C. ornithopoda, Mey. var. Japonica. C. cryptandra, sp. nov. C. Nikoensis sp. nov. C. Vulgaris, Fries., from which the C. Thunbergii hardly differs; C. Fibrillosa sp. nov.; C. lupulina, Mühl.; C. planata sp. nov. C. crinita Lamk.; C. lagopodioides sp. nov. C. polyantha, sp. nov. C. leucorhyncha sp. nov.; C. nutans, host, very common in Yokoska. Japan now reckons 73 species of the Carex!

Gramineæ. The explorers of Japan are called on to enlarge this family considerably. For my own part I have but a small number of species to add to those already