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perus Monti, Scirpus Pollichii, Carex nutans; the northern region with the Ranunculus reptans, Arnica alpina; the subtropical region with the Liparis, the Dopatrium, the Scirpus Badius, Scirpus juncoides, Scirpus javanus, &c. A certain number of species, therefore, are common to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and America, such as the Berberis vulgaris, the Virburnum lantana, Lysimachia vulgaris, Echinospermum lappula, Platanthera chlorantha, Carex vulgaris, Leersia oryzoides, Calamagrostis epigeios, Lycopodium complanatum.

Miquel has said that about one half of the flora of Japan was indigenous, and the list which I have just given entirely confirms this remark, as out of 129 plants specifically determined 68 are proper to Japan, though it is probable that this proportion will be diminished when the coasts of Northern China, Corea and Mandshuria are better known.

I here conclude this over lengthy communication. All the new species here mentioned will be described in the Enumeratio plantarum in Japoniâ crescentium, the first volume of which, embracing all the dicotyledonous plants must be published by this time.


Yokoska, 10th May, 1874.