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show. We have ‘Tortoise,’ ‘Monkey,’ ‘Stork,’ ‘Badger,’ ‘Falcon,’ ‘Shark,’ ‘Bear,’ ‘Goose Nest,’ ‘Red Feather,’ ‘Young Pheasant,’ ‘Crow’s Grove,’ ‘Twenty Horses’ and ‘Clam’ streets; with many others of the same nature, the names of which occur several times in various parts of the city.

Next to natural objects in respect to number, are the names of indispensable articles used in everyday life. In a country where the houses are almost universally built of wood timber is almost as necessary as food, and we are not surprised to find in Yedo, more than a score of ‘Timber’ streets. ‘File’ ‘Pot,’ ‘Kettle’ and ‘Table,’ etc., repeat their names several times. ‘Salt’ street is a very common one, and the same is the case with ‘Norimono,’ ‘Wheel,’ ‘Indigo,’ ‘Mat,’ ‘Fan,’ ‘Kitchen,’ ‘Hair Pin,’ ‘Charcoal,’ and ‘Leather,’ streets. There are several ‘Net’ and many ‘Fish,’ etc., the latter of which may be ‘Fresh,’ ‘Roasted,’ or ‘Plain.’ Of ‘Calamus,’ ‘ Oil,’ ‘Gum,’ and ‘Pantry,’ streets, these is one each. ‘Three Hats,’ ‘Sweeping,’ and ‘Cabinet’ streets are known, and we almost detect an attempt to be funny, in the name given to certain streets like our courts, which have an entrance, but no outlet. These ‘blind-alleys’ are called ‘Bag’ streets.

As regards trades, ‘Carpenter, ‘Blacksmith,’ and ‘Dyer,’ are the names most repeated, though there are also ‘Sawyer,’ ‘Jockey,’ ‘Farmer,’ ‘Coolie,’ and ‘Sailor’ streets.

What weapons were used by the warriors of Old Japan, are told us in the street names of Yedo. We have ‘Armour, ‘Helmet,’ ‘Arrow,’ ‘Bow,’ ‘Quiver,’ ‘Spear,’ ‘Sheath,’ and ‘Arrow-arsenal’ streets.

Not to particularize to a wearisome extent, we shall mention but a few others: ‘Row of Trees,’ ‘Same Friend,’ ‘Flower River,’ ‘Farmer’s Lot,’ ‘One Colour,’ ‘Spirit Cave,’ ‘Peaceful, ‘Exit,’ ‘Congratulation,’ ‘King’s Hand’ (checkmate), ‘Reaping Hook,’ ‘Lacquer,’ ‘Flock of Sparrows,’ ‘True Stone,’ ‘Myriad,’ ‘Brocade,’ ‘Cash,’ ‘Mint,’ ‘Silver Coin Mint,’ ‘Abounding Glad-