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follows. The object's kinetic energy is equated to the work required for lifting the gravity center of the object to a height proportional to the size of the object,


Into of Eq. (XXII-1) we substitute the expression of the object's mass by the characteristic dimension and the object's density , and get


The sign idem adopted in similarity theory signifies that similarity will take place if the term on the left remains constant. For all explosions in the air under normal conditions const, const, the criterion is simplified and idem.

This criterion also includes exact simulation - the change in acceleration is inversely proportional to the size (centrifugal simulation). But on the basis of the approximations made earlier we obtained a criterion which also admits another solution: the change in density is inversely proportional to the root of its dimensions. This method was proposed by Khariton and this author [105]. This method allows for a sufficiently wide change in the scale. By substituting a material with density 2 (stone) with a material with density 11 (lead) it becomes possible to reduce by a factor of 30, which corresponds to the reduction of the charge by a factor of 27,000, i.e., it is possible to simulate the explosion of 1 ton of explosive by the explosion of 40 g of the same substance.

In Khariton's many experiments, the edgewise standing bricks turned out to be convenient indices for the distance at which the momentum of a shock wave drops to a specific value.

It is obvious that centrifugal simulation is necessary in more complex cases in which, along with a rigid structure, the soil also plays a role. The approximate simulation by changing density, as proposed by Khariton and this author, is considerably narrower in scope and the advantage of this method is only the simplicity of experimentation.