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state at a point , then at the following instant this same state will occur at that point where the variable (upon which depend all the quantities of the solution under investigation) has the same value


The assigned state propagates in the direction of increasing at a velocity , q.e.d.

By substituting this type of solution into the fundamental equations, we can readily find for this wave from (II-3)


where the prime denotes the differentiation of function (11-6) with respect to the variable . If we assume at high values of , i.e., way ahead in an unperturbed (undisturbed) gas, , , and we find for a wave propagating to the right.


The instant pressure value is also linearly connected with density and velocity:


Let us point out specifically that pressure is proportional to the first degree of velocity in sound; according to Bernoulli's theorem, in a steady flow we should have a considerably smaller change in pressure:


Thus we draw extremely important conclusions from formulas (II-10) and (II-11): In a wave which propagates to the right, i.e., in the direction of increasing values of the coordinate , the mass rate of motion is positive where the substance is compressed, and