Page:Ta Tsing Leu Lee; Being, The Fundamental Laws, and a Selections from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China.djvu/86

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Penal Laws of China.

Section IV.Offences of Perſons entitled to Privilege.

When any perſon entitled to privilege has committed an offence againſt the laws, a diſtinct ſpecification thereof ſhall be laid before the Emperor, and it ſhall not be lawful to try or examine ſuch perſon, until the receipt of His Majeſty's expreſs commands for that purpoſe — The Emperor's commands having been received, the trial and examination of the offender ſhall be inſtituted, and a report made of the whole of the proceedings, for the information and final deciſion of His Imperial Majeſty.

Nevertheleſs, if any privileged perſon commits an offence of a treaſonable nature, he ſHall not have the benefit of his privilege as provided by this law.

Five clauſes.

Section V.Relations of Perſons entitled to Privilege.

When the father, mother, paternal grandfather or grandmother, wife, ſon, or grandſon of any perſon entitled to privilege, as belonging to one of the eight claſſes before mentioned, commits an offence againſt the laws, a diſtinct ſpecification thereof ſhall be laid before the Emperor, and it ſhall not be lawful to try or examine ſuch offender, until the Emperor's expreſs commands are received for that purpoſe.

The trial and examination having taken place, conformably to the Emperor's orders, a report of the whole of the proceedings ſhall be tranſmitted to the court, for the information and final deciſion of His Imperial Majeſty.

In the caſe of perſons privileged by their royal blood or illuſtrious ſervices, their paternal grandfathers and grandmothers, uncles, aunts,
