Page:Tactics (Balck 1915).djvu/564

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South African War (1899-1902).
  Assaults, 379
  Crawling, 87, 88
  Front, overextension of, 238
  Lessons gained from the, 88, 340
  Machine guns, 289
  Mounted infantry, 25
  Rushes, 88
  Skirmish lines, thin, 75
  Surrenders, 192
  Wounds, character of, 129

  Advance in assembly formation, 210
  Ammunition, expenditure of, 469
  Attack, orders for, 349
  Change of front, 220
  Concentration, 210
  Counter-attack, 436
  Envelopment, 357, 358, 360
  Formation in echelon and in line, 74, 226
  Front, change of, 220
  Frontage, 226
  Knapsacks, loss of, 364
  Losses, 195
  Mixing of organizations, 196, 226
  Orders for attack, 349
  Stragglers, 195

Spionskop, 1900.
  Crawling, 88
  Losses at short ranges, insignificant, 178, 189
  Reserves, 340


Tagliamento, 1797.
  Attack formations, 45

Tashkessen, January 1, 1878.
  Ammunition, expenditure of, 473
  Frontal counter-attack, 438

Tel el Kebir, 1882.
  Night attack, 233

Terrayama (Temple Hill), October 11, 1904.
  Attack, 343
  Bayonet fight, 382
  Intrenching tools, use of, 388

Tobitschau, 1866.
  Cavalry charge, 313

Towan, 1904.
  Perseverance under fire, 348

Trautenau, 1866.
  Bayonet attack, 153
  Jägers, 23
  Packs, removal of, 364
  Rencontre, 339
  Trumpet signal, misunderstanding caused by, 42