Page:Tag (1909).djvu/103

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on the diamond “drops” in her ample ears, on a diamond brooch at her throat, and fairly danced a mad jig over the dark bejewelled fingers resting on her broad hips. As they stopped to gaze upon her with awe, she smiled largely at them and the sun made new lights on the gold in her teeth.

The children thought her dazzlingly beautiful. Josephine even placed her above the carriage lady of Riverside Drive. There was more of her and she looked gayer somehow.

Bateese was the first to speak.

“Dis is Jos’phine,” he said. politely with his beaming smile, “she go to buy the bun on me.”

The lady did not appear as much struck with the matter as the manner of the speech.

“Say, wot kind of a lingo do you call dat anyhow?’ she said, almost to herself.

The children smiled ingratiatingly.