Page:Tag (1909).djvu/107

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to dawning interest and finally to enthusiasm.

“But ’spose the cops come nosin’ round,” he objected.

“Bah!” said Ella, “Our man’s fixed all right, all right, an’ if a strange one butts in, why, how do we know de kids wasn’t sent reg’lar? We're rentin’ ’em by de day from a man named Brown livin’ somewheres on de Bowery. —Dat’ll keep ’em busy. If that don’t go, ther dad pawned ’em w’en he was on a booze an’ didn’t call in, so we’ve got ther keep to make up. Oh, buck up, Abe! It'll go all right, an’ I'll bet youse have a hunderd people lookin’ inside of a minute. I'll go an’ get de fixins now.”

Abraham’s slower mind was swept along by the impetuosity of his bride, and a few moments later he was busy clearing a shop window of its heterogeneous mass of pledges.