Page:Tag (1909).djvu/110

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a pinch is as good as a pound, yet so wholesome a child can drink it. It gets a grip on you.

Then Ella came forth triumphant, leading by the hand a strange and radiant creature. It appeared to have many legs and arms and much hair, all set off by a scanty supply of crushed pink tarleton. On closer inspection it proved to be Josephine, her eyes ablaze with the excitement of the adventure and the delicious feel of real wavy hair flowing free.

Abraham was dubious about her. “Say, she looks kinda like a blushin’ spider,” he commented.

Ella frowned warningly. “She looks like a real princess,” she declared. Adding aside, “Dat was de only t’ing in de shop dat would fit ’ceptin’ a nun’s rig, an’ de Bowery would a t’rowed a fit if it'd seen a blessed sister sittin’ in dis window. De boy’ll have to do like he is. Looks kinda cute anyhow.”