Page:Tag (1909).djvu/133

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the man who put him on the train nor—oh, Pat, we don’t know anything.”

“If we had ever known anything we would have had more sense than to have noticed the little beggar in the first place. We would have left him with the conductor, where he belonged,” was the almost savage reply.

“We will learn, dear,” said Patty meekly: “Give us time. In a few years we may attain that greatest of all wisdom—the art of doing without.”

The bridegroom gave a sarcastic grin. “We may even learn to deny ourselves the inestimable bliss of supporting derelicts in second class lodgings. But we cannot go on denying ourselves honeymoons, and, by George! I will have a honeymoon, Patty. If we can get that kid back to his orphanage right away I will have enough of the needful

left to give us a few days’ great and glorious