Page:Tag (1909).djvu/81

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had one feller,” he added, “was a regular frenzied financy. Got thinkin’ so hard about makin’ money an’ watchin’ the wheels go roun’ at the same time, at last he come to believe the wheels on his cab was extra size silver dollars, an’ he never unhitched nights for fear they might be stole. No one was onto his brain twist till one day a passenger gives him a V an’ asks for change. Cabby didn’t have enough in his pockets, an’ he stands there for a while thinkin’ hard an’ shakin’ his head kind of mournful an’, at last, blamed if he didn’t start takin’ the wheels off his cab, and the old guy he’d been drivin’ standin’ there swearin’ at him an’ yellin’ he’d been robbed. A friend of mine on the force seen it all an’ he run in Mr. Cabby. ‘I was just gettin’ the gent’s bloomin’ change off fer him,’ says cabby, an’ blubbers all the way to the station. They puts him in the foolish