Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/221

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from the Land of the Tzar.

care for her, take her, and may my best wishes attend you."

The crow married Princess Anna, and took her off with him to his own kingdom.

When King Vladimir was left all alone in the palace without his sisters, he very soon became heartily sick of everything, and thought he would go in search of the three princesses, and pay them a visit.

He set out on his journey, taking with him his favourite silver spoon, fork, and snuff-box. He went on and on until he came to a field, where there was an army, which had sustained a severe defeat, the ground being strewn with the dead and wounded.

"If there is a man among you who is not quite dead," cried King Vladimir, "would he kindly tell me who it was that defeated this army?"

"Marie-Marevna, the beautiful queen," replied one unfortunate creature, rising from the ground, in answer to King Vladimir's question.

The king continued his journey. He had not gone very far before he came to another field, where he found an encampment, and out of one of the tents came the beautiful queen Marie-Marevna. When she saw the king, she at once advanced towards him,—

"Good-day to you, King Vladimir!" she exclaimed, smiling sweetly. "What brings you here? Do you come on business, or for pleasure? Are you coming against your will?"

"No, certainly not, beautiful queen; I am coming for pleasure,"