Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/284

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Tales and Legends

"That is a lie!"

"By no means; it is the real truth, your honour. The traktirshik tells the lies, not I; let him show you the gold which he received from me."

The traktirshik then brought his cash-box, opened it, and what was his amazement to see that all the gold which the sailor had given him had turned into bones!

"How is this, brother?" said the traktirshik. "You paid me with gold, which has now turned into bones. Show us how you did this?"

"I had nothing to do with the changing of the gold, but I will explain everything to you to the best of my ability." Then, addressing the captain, the sailor continued, "This, your honour, is a sign that death is approaching us, and that we shall all be flooded; the sea will rise higher and higher, and will swamp the town, and drown the inhabitants."

"Good heavens!" cried the captain; "what are we to do? Whither shall we go?"

"Well, your honour," said the sailor, "if you have no particular wish to get drowned, you had better follow me, and let us both climb up a chimney."

They did so; and, getting on to the roof, they stood up, and, looking all around, saw the whole town submerged. It was such an overflow that some of the houses in the low-lying districts of the town were quite invisible, while the waters continued rising higher and higher.

"Well, little brother," said the captain, "if the sea continues rising at this rate, I am very much afraid