Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/315

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from the Land of the Tzar.

old fairy, "and towards evening you will see twelve spoon-bills fly down on to the shore, but the moment they touch the ground they will be changed into twelve beautiful maidens, and will commence to bathe in the sea. Now the moment you see that they are not looking you must crawl out of your hiding-place and steal the garments of the eldest of the twelve damsels. When you have settled everything with her—for she will begin begging you to give her clothes back to her—you must go on to the King of the Sea. On your way to his dwelling you will meet with three old heroes—Eat-All, Drink-All and Chill-All. You must take them all with you, for they will be of great use to you."

The young prince thanked the old fairy and went his way to the blue sea, and hiding himself behind some bushes, waited.

Towards evening down flew twelve spoon-bills, which on touching the ground changed into twelve beautiful maidens who began bathing. When they were not looking the young prince crawled from behind the bushes, stole the garments of the eldest, and then hid himself again.

When the maidens had finished bathing, they climbed back on to the shore. The eleven put on their garments, changed themselves into birds again, and flew home; leaving their eldest sister—who was called Melania the Clever—by herself. When Melania caught sight of the young prince, she fell on her knees, begging and praying him to give her back her clothes.

"Give them back to me, I beseech you; for when