Page:Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar.djvu/329

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from the Land of the Tzar.

companions, who were sleeping so peacefully in their tents,—

"Wake up, mighty champions!" he cried. "Ye brave chosen warriors, arise, and let us defeat the Tartar giant!"

The warriors arose at their brother's call, and mounting their chargers galloped off with Nikita to the Mussulman's tent. They threw themselves with all their might upon the giant, attacking him with their swords and lances, while their good steeds tried to trample him under foot. Thus they fought for three whole hours and three whole minutes, at the end of which time they succeeded in overthrowing and killing the wicked Tartar giant. After having won the victory, the champions began to say boastfully,—

"We did our work nobly, we did not once shrink in the combat, nor did our good steeds attempt to run away, neither did our steel swords and lances break or bend!"

"Yes!" cried Aleyosha Papovitch, "we are brave and noble heroes; there is no one and nothing that we cannot kill or conquer! Bring even supernatural powers against us, and we will subdue them!"

Hardly had he uttered these foolish words, when two supernatural beings appeared, and cried out in voices which sounded like thunder,—

"Come on, brave champions! We invite the combat, though ye be seven, and we but two; let that not deter you!"

But the champions did not recognize the supernatural beings as such; and Aleyosha Papovitch,